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Gina Ward
Visual Infusion Phlebitis Score


I am looking for Visual Infusion Phlebitis Score tool sheets.  I have found a site online that shows several models but.....they are from the UK and not to be photocopied or used in the U.S.  I even called the companies and asked them, and thier counter parts in the U.S.


I am aware there is a phlebitis scale in the INS standard book but, I am looking for the ones that allows you to grade the site and then includes the suggested actions for each score.  


Do any of you utilize  a form or tool like this and or have a policy that goes along with it?   I would love to have this available for our staff.


Thanks,  Gina Ward R.N.

VIP score

Email me at [email protected].

INS references a study by Paulatte Gallant.   The scale has been revised since the original article and does include PIV scores and actions.


Deb McPherson, MSN, RN-BC, VA-BC

Staff Development

Maine Medical Center

Portland, Maine


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