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Ethanol Dwell

I was asked to solicit information on ethanol dwell procedure from my IV nurse colleagues.

Is anyone performing the ethanol dwell procedure routinely in the acute care setting?

Do you know of a polyurethane catheter that is approved for ethanol dwell?

Does anyone perform the ethanol dwell on polyurethane catheters that are not approved for ethanol dwell? Have you had any problems? Did you obtain patient consent or has the physician conducted an IRB to perform the ethanol dwell in catheters that are not approved for the ethanol dwell?

What length of dwell time have you found to be most successful to decrease the risk of infection or resolve the infection?

Can you share your policy or protocols with me, you can email me privately [email protected]

Thank you for your help,


 You can find an online

 You can find an online resource from Nebraska Medical Center at

No polyurethane catheter includes instructions for use stating that any form of alcohol can be instilled into their catheter. This online resource states this can only be done in silicone catheters. There are several in vitro studies showing that ethanol does not produce catheter damage that would be considered clinically significant but it can change the polyurethane in some ways. Lynn 


Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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