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Kathleen M. Wilson
Therapeutic Phlebotomies

Based on EBP, our facility recently switched collection bags to enable a choice of needle size for the Therapeutic Phlebotomy procedure.  The patient response has been overwhelming. They are so pleased. I explain to them the switch is to increase their comfort and help preserve their veins (as you know, most are facing a lifetime of this procedure). Initial staff resistance was related to concern about increasing the length of time of the procedure with a smaller needle, and the concern that the smaller needle would clot off, necessitating more than one stick. I am happy to say, this just isn't happening. We have decreased needle size by two (16g to a 20g) in every case but one , where we decreased needle size by one (16g to a 18g). The length of the procedure is not increasing.

I hope this information will be helpful to someone out there!

Thank you,


Therapeutic Phlebotomies

Hi, that is wonderful. Would you be able to give me the product name? Are you still using the AC or since you have gone down to a 20 ?  On some people the AC is scarred up from previous lab draws/ther. phlebotomies.  Also, does the product enable a lab draw port ?  If you are able to change the needle sizes, does it have a luer might be able to use with non coring needle of port ?  And lastly, was the cost very much different that what you were previously using?  Thanks !


therapeutic phlebotomies

What company provides these collection bags?  This information is fantastic!

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