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PIVs in the IJ versus the foot

A doctor disagreed with a vascular access nurse about a better choice of placement of a PIV.  Patient had limited access and the nurse wanted to place an IJ PIV but the doctor wanted her to look at placing a PIV in the foot.  Patient was bedridden on Lovenox.  Nurse tried to explain why this was not a good selection and he wanted proof of why.  Anyone know of any articles or studies of IJ versus lower extremities for PIV's?

Here we go again --- a doctor

Here we go again --- a doctor demanding that a nurse do the legwork to find the evidence for what the doctor wants to do or believe is correct. I would ****never**** buckle to this level of pressure. That physician should produce the evidence to support his/her position and the nurse should not do it. The nurse should produce evidence to support his/her position as well and let the authorities in the facility decide what the policy should be. It is only when we reach this level of respect and collaboration that we will truly be regarded and treated as the professionals we claim to be. I am sorry, but this is a serious issue for me. A nurse thinks that he/she must jump through the hoops set by the physician. This is just wrong!! I have never seen any studies comparing a PIV site between the foot or IJ. So the physician will not be able to find anything to support that position but neither will the nurse. I am wondering why it is only a choice between these 2 sites. There has to be other options. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Peter Marino
Loud Applause and standing ovation from my work space!!!!!

It's a shame that I must come here to find sensible vascular access opinions.  I guess I'll just keep printing quotes and hang them in the office. Maybe, just maybe, it will sink in. Well said and thank you Lynn.


Peter Marino R.N. BSN CRNI VA-BC Hospital based staff R.N. with no affiliation to any product or health care company.

Thanks, this is a huge pet

Thanks, this is a huge pet peeve for me! Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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